06 Jun 2016

BrainStorm released “Stay Young and Beautiful”

Today, June 6, BrainStorm released “Stay Young and Beautiful” as the third and final single from the latests album “7 steps of fresh air”. 

"Musically is started from the demo idea that Magic had on his iPad's Garage band and we developed it all together in Berlin while preparing for album recording. Actually song like this is the reason why we chose to work again with our dear friend Alex as we felt that since 2006 when we recorded 'Four Shores' we missed those  'stadium singalong' kind of songs.  Bono once said that if you wanna write a good song, just write what happened to you during this day, we decided to go step back and start with: 'last night i had a dream..’,” says the lead singer of Brainstorm Renars Kaupers.